Tip-toeing the laws of Internet privacy with creepier backstabbing than usual, Hunter Moore says he this time will do his revenge porn site "right" — as in, now with geolocated stalking! Yesterday Moore announced the relaunch of Is Anyone Up, which shut down earlier this year because of legal troubles and its connection to cyber bullying. (Remember when Moore was all reformed and said he would write about the dangers of bullying on bullyville.com? Ha.) At first, HunterMoore.tv sounded a lot like the first incarnation of the site, which allowed people to submit naked photos of their exes while linking it to their Facebook and Twitter accounts, for the whole Internet to see. But, turns out it's even grosser this time: In addition to a target's name, photo, and social-media link, Moore is also asking for an address, notes Beta Beat's Jessica Roy, who spoke with Moore last night. Taking that all-important bit of personal information, Moore will make a map to go along with the nudie photos. "We’re gonna introduce the mapping stuff so you can stalk people," Moore gleefully told Roy. "I know–it’s scary as shit." So Is Anyone Up not only facilitates Internet stalking, but the IRL sort, too. Oh joy.
Of course, it's all legal, because it all comes in the form of user submissions, which Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act makes Moore immune to legal responsibility. But that technicality doesn't make it any better, nor will it necessarily keep Moore away from lawsuits and general outrage that could bring his site down. Kind of like all that creepiness happening on Reddit under Jailbait and similar subreddits, once people get offended by offensive stuff like this, they find ways to protest it. That might come in the form of a Tumblr attempting to out the people submitting the photos, not unlike Predditors. And he'll likely see lawsuits, too. The map might do Moore in, after-all, one Maryland lawyer told Roy. "If he is putting up fields with someone’s address and a field ensuring that there’s a map to facilitate stalking, I think there’s an argument to be made that he is engaging in cyberstalking under federal criminal law," said University of Maryland Law professor Danielle Citron.
From the site's submission form below, however, it looks like Moore has made the terms as clear as possible to keep himself and his site out of trouble. There's even a line that clarifies "this form is a contract with Huntermoore.tv." It looks like he has made it so that the only person getting in trouble in this arrangement will be the person submitting the photo. At best, that will deter people from submitting in the first place. But who can ever hope for the best? If you want to stay off the site, try not take get your naked photo taken.

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